General Obstetrical Care

We provide comprehensive obstetrical care from preconception to postpartum. Our experienced doctors provide general services to guide women through each and every step of their pregnancy to ensure proper growth and development, as well as a successful delivery. Our facilities are also fully equipped with the most advanced technology and equipment to help make your pregnancy as simple and efficient as possible.

During your pregnancy, you will visit your doctor on a regular basis for physical examinations, blood tests and ultrasounds in order to monitor the growth and development of your baby. We will also discuss with you your options for the delivery process, and then work with you to ensure that labor and delivery is comfortable and stress-free. Postpartum care is also available to help women become acclimated to the motherhood lifestyle while maintaining their health as well.

The following are standard tests during your pregnancy:

  • Blood testing is done at the 2nd visit to determine Rh and blood type, rubella immunity and blood count.
  • Syphilis, HSV, HIV and Hepatitis B status
  • Weight and blood pressure is checked at each visit
  • An initial Urine screen is done and then urine testing is done periodically to check for protein and sugar.
  • Ultrasound is done to determine viability and fetal age at the first visit. Position, placenta placement, or for any signs of problems with the fetus is checked at a later date.
  • Gestational Diabetes/Glucola screening is performed at 24-28 weeks.
  • Group B Strep culturing is done on all patients at approximately 35-37 weeks of your pregnancy

The tests noted below may be indicated. If you would like written material describingthese tests, please ask.

  • Amniocentesis may be recommended, if you are over 35 years of age or have a family history of genetic problems in your family or your partner's family.
  • An Alpha Fetal Protein Quad screen will be offered. This is a blood test that screens for Spina Bifida (open spine), Down syndrome, Open neural tube defects, and Trisomy 18. The AFP Quad screening is an optional test. REFUSAL FOR QUAD AFP SCREEN TEST FORM (Click to Print)
  • Rubella immunization will be advised following delivery if you are not already immune.
  • Rh-negative mothers will be re-tested at 28 weeks. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend women receive Rhogam during the 28th-29th week of pregnancy if they are Rh-negative. This is to prevent the 1-2% incidence of sensitization during pregnancy that results from fetal red cells leaking into the mother's blood system. Your baby's Rh will be checked after delivery and if the baby has Rh positive blood, we recommend you receive another Rhogam injection within 72 hours of delivery.
  • Rhogam may also be given for bleeding during pregnancy so inform your doctor of any spotting or bleeding.
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease testing: HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis and Hepatitis. Herpes virus cultures are done when there are new symptoms or suspicious sores in the genital area.
  • Non Stress Tests (Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring) may be recommended to determine the health of the baby and placenta.
  • Genetic Counseling may be recommended if there is a family history of Genetic abnormalities, advanced maternal age or prior child with defects.
  • Cystic fibrosis testing is offered but may not be covered by your insurance. It is a blood test that is a genetic screen to see if one or both parents carry the gene for cystic fibrosis.